In Memory of Dr. Jen

Dr. Jennifer Pavlov-Askew was a chiropractor in Marysville, MI.  She owned and operated Pavlov Chiropractic and Wellness.  Her gift for helping others exceeded the chiropractic realm.  She empowered clients with knowledge, inspired clients through kindness, and always made people feel heard, seen, and appreciated.   Dr. Jen was a light in the health and wellness field.  

It was Dr. Jen's idea to add a special light to the massage room, a statement piece.  It was a large metal wall hanging with the dichotomy of sharp and smooth edges, similar to the patterns of a fleur-de-lis.  When adorned with copper-wired fairy lights, the piece gave the massage room an inviting, ambient glow.  This was our Dr. Jen.  She was an inviting, ambient glow; a light towards health and wellness and happiness.  May her loving spirit resonate as we continue to empower and inspire one another along our health and wellness journeys. 

In loving memory of Dr. Jennifer Pavlov-Askew, June 2021.