Ashley M. Pickering, LMT

The love of massage therapy began at Lakewood School of Therapeutic Massage in Port Huron, MI.  Upon graduating in December 2014, Ashley received her license in January 2015, and began working as a therapist in a local chiropractor's office February 20, 2015.  Working within a chiropractic setting, in hopes of seeing more therapeutic issues, was always a focus for Ashley, but her primary goal was, and still is, to be helping people. While at Pavlov Chiropractic and Wellness, Ashley worked with inspirational women who worked effortlessly as a team centered around helping others.  Her passion for massage therapy was nurtured at PCW for seven years, setting a solid foundation to her career.

Techniques/topics: aromatherapy, hot stones, lymphatic drainage, craniosacral, myofascial release, polarity therapy, sports massage, pregnancy massage, trigger points, and neuromuscular techniques.

Commonly addressed imbalances, injuries, or disfunctions: carpal tunnel syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome, frozen shoulder, trigger finger, headaches, sinusitis, tinnitus, vertigo, surgeries (neck, shoulder, back, hip, knee, and extremities), pelvic tilts, disc degenerations, fusions, sciatica, and much more. 

If not doing massage therapy, Ashley spends time with her children (son and daughter) as much as possible.  If not attending the children's activities, Ashley likes to play softball, volleyball, or running (sometimes in a local 5K).  Blessed with the gorgeous views of the Blue Water Area, make having beach days whenever possible, a must.  Lastly, but most importantly, her faith in Jesus takes precedence; without Him, true healing would not be possible.